Thursday, July 24, 2008

McCain's Reality


Republicans, at the end of their rope,
nominate McCain, a VERY white hope;
Maverick the Meek,
cleaned up for the Dope--in-chief
who wrecked him ,
those torturous eight years ago.


Desperate Mac put his dignity
up for sale;
sucking up to evangelicals
and kissing Bush on the face.
Now, thoroughly
unburdened of honor,
he's back in the race!
Too bad for him,
he's late to the ball,
this national hero
after his long, slow fall.
Stammers about where
to put $4 gas,
(hasn't done it himself
for many years past.)

Invites bikers sans mufflers
to rev up their wares
long enough for the gas fumes
to fill the air:
eyes of a dead dog,
he's outclassed
by a young black guy
whose dignity's intact.

